To all Correspondence Chess Friends,
Every year at the same period it is now an established tradition for the ICCF President to send to all Delegates, ICCF officials, Correspondence Chess friends all over the world and their families, his seasonal greetings, wishing to all of you a Happy New Year 2013.
This year, a newly designed and integrated server / website has been launched. After a few days of “adaptation”, a vast majority of officials and players have warmly welcomed this major change which offers a modern and innovative image of ICCF to the world.
Right after the Congress in Pretoria, a new significant development of the server has taken place, offering the possibility to all our Member Federations to translate the server in their own language for the benefit of their players and a significant help for the development of correspondence chess all over the world. The server is now available in German and in French (besides English) and more translations are to come in the next months. Any Federation willing to translate the server should contact the ICCF Services Director, Austin Lockwood (ENG).
I look forward to meeting you in Cracow in July for the 2013 ICCF Congress hosted by the Polish Federation and I wish you a Happy New Year 2013 and many successes in your chess games!
Amici Sumus,
Eric Ruch
ICCF President